Nestorion offers to its audience small and attractive pieces of the myths of Gods and Heroes of Greece.
It is well-known that Athens was the most powerful and glorious town of ancient Greece. Its residents managed to develop a wonderful civilization that is admired till today. It is also known that the city got its name from Athena, the goddess of wisdom and courage. But how did Athens got its name? Here is a charming little story about the origin of the citys name.
Once Athena and Poseidon competed which of the two would become patron in a brilliant city of Attica, the Kekropia. They wanted to give it their name and their gifts. The other gods of Olympus promised them that they would do the city prostate him who would give the most useful gift.
All the gods went to Acropolis of Cecrops. There Poseidon struck his trident soil and hitting came a horse. "This is my gift," said God, "is the symbol of military power. This city will dominate the world with the wars that will do on land and sea."
After Athena struck with the spear of the soil and hitting came an olive tree. "This is my gift," said the Goddess "is the symbol of peace and work, this city will dominate the world with peaceful work of civilization"
The gods decided that by the gift of Athena was most helpful and made the town patron. Athena called the city Athens and taught the residents to fight with bravery and wisdom to love the work but mainly to cultivate letters, arts and sciences.
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